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Place In This World

For King & Country

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The Unfolding

God is writing a great big story and you have a standing invitation to be a part of it. Every week, host Meridith Foster sits down with a guest to share their chapter in God’s unfolding story.

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Unfolding Short Stories: "Can anything good come from Rhode Island?" William Winfield goes from homeless to hope bringer

"Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Yes, it can." William Winfield shares how his faith in Christ transformed his life from homelessness to hope and purpose. Reflecting on his journey, William reminds us that the greatest tragedy in life isn't death, but living without purpose. Hear how God has used William in key moments of a few men's lives, and how his Christlike compassion to them at just the right moment gave them much-needed hope and a lasting life change.

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Page 211: Jermaine Wilson: From Prison to Politics, Former Inmate Becomes Mayor

God is all about transformation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” God loves second chances. Jermaine Wilson had spent four years in prison by the time he was 19. His dad had been to prison. His brother had been to prison, and his sister had been to prison. Jermaine’s search for love led him to earn acceptance through criminal activity and gang involvement. But it was a trap. He wanted a different life yet there seemed to be no way out. How does a gang member, drug dealer and prison inmate become the mayor of Leavenworth, Kansas? That’s the incredible God-story of Jermaine Wilson. Today, Jermaine is the mission ambassador for Prison Fellowship.

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Page 210: Katie Campbell: 30A Prays and a Free-Fall of Faith

Katie Campell has always had a passion to pray for people. A few years ago, she began to sense God was asking her to follow him to a place she didn’t yet know and for a ministry that wasn’t yet clear. To most people, that sounds crazy. Why would you pack up your family, move 2500 miles to a place where you knew no one, for a ministry that didn’t even exist? This is the story behind 30A Prays, a ministry on the beaches of County Road 30A which spans the Gulf Coast of Florida roughly between Destin and Panama City. Since March of 2023, 30A Prays has prayed for and shared the Gospel with thousands of Gen-Z students from across the U.S. God is moving among Gen Z on the beaches of 30A, and it began with a free fall of faith.

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